Our List of Poems


2400 - Our Glass Tears Poetry Intro

2401p - Glass Tears

2401s - Glass Tears

2402p - We'll Share Your Tears

2402s - I'll Share Your Tears

2403p - The Sorrow Tear

2403s - The Sorrow Tear

2404 - A Mother's Tear

2405 - A Father's Tear

2406p - The Wife's Tear

2406s - The Wife's Tear

2407p - The Husband's Tear

2407s - The Husband's Tear

2408p - A Brothers Tear

2408s - A Brothers Tear

2409p - Your Son's Tear

2409s - Your Son's Tear

2410p - Your Sisters Tear

2410s - Your Sister's Tear

2411p - Your Daughter's Tear

2411s - Your Daughter's Tear

2412p - Your Parent's Tear

2412s - Your Parent's Tear

2413p - A Grandparent's Tear

2413s - A Grandparent's Tear

2414 - A Grandfather's Tear

2415p - A Grandmother's Tear

2415s - A Grandmother's Tear

2416 - A Good Friend's Tear

2417p - Your Baby's Tear - miscarriage

2417s - Your Baby's Tear - miscarriage

2418p - A Baby's Tear - infant or toddler

2418s - A Baby's Tear - infant or toddler

2419p - Your Child's Tear

2419s - Your Child's Tear

2420p - The Pet Tear 1

2420s - The Pet Tear 1

2421p - The Pet Tear 2

2421s - The Pet Tear 2

2422 - Our Savior's Tear

2423p - Jesus Wept

2423s - Jesus Wept

2424p - The Caregiver's Tear

2424s - The Caregiver's Tear

2425p - The Hospice Team Teardrop

2425s - My Hospice Team Teardrop

2426 - Our Battle Tear

2427 - Christmas Tree Teardrop

2428 - My Glass Tears Pendant